Latest theater productions

Theater «Lecciones de amor y violencia»   See More   Heimat is made up of scenes that are funny, sad, happy, confusing, about home and country, homesickness, homelessness, coming home. Performance: Noëmi Stöckli, Sarah Brunner, Vera Héritier, Ädu Gänsslen, Irhad Elezi Director: Mareike Krautzig @_emkha Assistant Director, Costume Design: Rafael Gil Cordeiro Graphics: Nadja Tanno […]

Factory of fresh and fun songs in production

Under the gaze of different arrangers, Ädu goes through the production of his next releases. In the following weeks we will be announcing the new pieces one by one, among more than 100 musical compositions in the creative process waiting for their moment to come to light. Ädu’s musical kitchen also opens its door to […]

An unpublished test piece of the last adventures of Ädu Gänsslen and the Ältered arrives on all platforms

It was 2016 at Estudio Curu, Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Ädu and the Álterados calibrated spark plugs in one last rehearsal to make Re-Cuerda sound: Daiana Gurovirz (choirs), Santiago Cichero (guitars), Maxiliano Rozenblum (bass and arrangements), Andrés Paglayan (keyboards and backing vocals), Patricio Rozemblum (drums) and Ädu Gänsslen (composition, guitar and voice). Re-Cuerda is like […]